Friday, November 20, 2015

Reader Travel Tip of the Day: The Travel Tray

reader-travel-tip2The Travel Tray
Each Friday, we’re featuring a reader-submitted tip as our Travel Tip of the Day. This week’s tip comes from reader Mary Lou G., who builds on a past Reader Travel Tip of the Day about keeping track of your belongings in a hotel room. Says Mary Lou:

“Better than a piece of paper is my indispensable ‘travel tray’ from Magellan! It has a snap on each of the four corners, creating ‘sides’ on the flat surface, resulting in a shallow box 5″ x 7.75″, with one slot for glasses or similar items. When I travel, it is always placed on the dresser or on a table near the door and is the reliable place for hotel keys, glasses, watches, rings, earrings, etc. that must be located quickly. To pack it up, unsnap the corners and it lays flat in any suitcase. I never travel without it!”

Amazon doesn’t seem to carry Magellan anymore, but it does offer a similar product from Maxpedition. Thanks, Mary Lou!


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The post Reader Travel Tip of the Day: The Travel Tray appeared first on Johnny Jet.

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