Friday, November 25, 2016

Thankful for Vintage Race Cars!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  By this time you may have carved the turkey, passed the mashed potatoes, and used the last of the gravy.  It's ok, there never seems to be enough to go around anyway.

A big tradition on Thanksgiving is to pause and take time to say what you're thankful for before you dig into that big meal.  We here at Circle Track wanted to do the same.  So what are we thankful for?  Well, a lot of things really – but for today – some awesome Vintage Race Cars!

So maybe it's time to coin a new phrase…Thanksgi-Vintage?  We'll work on it.  Until then, take a gander at some of our favorite Vintage shots from 2016.  We've got some that are up close and personal, and some in action out on the race track.

The post Thankful for Vintage Race Cars! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.

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